Our Facilities
We believe that it is very beneficial for children to spend time outdoors, whatever the weather, and are very fortunate at Gwendolen House to have the benefit of a lovely, large garden with a combination of grassed, soft surface and climbing play areas which offer endless fun and learning opportunities.
Our garden offers the following areas for the children to explore and enjoy:
- A Nature House, where children can engage in activities related to nature and the nursery's monthly topics;

- Animal enclosures with chickens, where the children are encouraged to learn how to look after and care for animals;
- A physical play area with climbing equipment and water and sand play. The children are given physical challenges and opportunities to play using various equipment. By doing so they are encouraged to gain confidence in using their bodies in different ways (jumping, hopping, cycling, crawling, running, catching etc.), moving their bodies with control and using a variety of equipment and materials with increasing dexterity;
- Vegetable growing areas and gardening boxes for the children to engage in various horticultural projects of their own throughout the seasons of the year.
We have eight children’s rooms, all of which benefit from natural daylight. Three of the rooms open out to the garden and outdoor play areas. Another three are accessible via a staircase and the remaining two are located on the ground floor. The rooms have under floor heating to provide the children with a cosy, floor level play area.
Parents who visit comment that the nursery has a “home away from home” feel. The rooms are cosy and laid out to provide numerous areas of interest, at the children’s level, with play equipment that is easily accessible. Toys and play equipment are rotated to keep children interested and resources are linked to monthly special topics and planning.